Getting you from point A to point B and beyond





Dark Fibre
Fibre Broadband can provide speeds from 100 megabits up to 10 gigabits to your location through our fibre optic network.
- Fibre to your desired location
- Low latency
- 24×7 monitoring of the Internet connection
- 24×7 technical support of the Internet connection
- BGP Support
Dark Fibre Network
For ultimate control, dark fibre is your solution.
You need optimized security, ultimate network control, and scalable bandwidth. Our dark fibre network is the answer.
Dark fibre is the ultimate in high bandwidth, low latency connections.
Dark fibre can provide a point-to-point connectivity solution that offers a secure way to deliver high-speed data applications.
Your data might traverse to multiple locations in Australia on our fibre, but from the standpoint of your network, your switches might as well be in the same room.